Why I Started Blogging + Should I Stop?


Gooooooddddd  Mmmmmooooorrrrrnnnnnnning!  Guy's!  I'm feeling good today!  Not really sure why, but I'm going to bask in all of this yummy goodness.  I hope your 4th was spectacular and that you ate til your heart was content.  My day was rather low key, leaving the house once to go see the movie Cars 3, with the little one and the Mr.  You should go see it, it was quite enjoyable.

Sooo, why did I start blogging?  Well for starters, I had no idea what blogging was until I met this wonderful person, whom I've grown to adore, love and appreciate.  That person is Keren Charles of Two Stylish Kays.  It was she who proposed the idea of me starting a blog.  When she suggested it, I was like what!  I don't know anything about blogging.  I had no idea where to start or what to do.  But after much debate (with myself) about whether or not I could actually do it, I did it.  That was 2014.  

I started off on Google's Blogger.  The easy part was creating the template.  The hard part was creating content that was interesting and useful to anyone who would take out the time to read what I had to say.  Even harder was producing quality photos; because no body wants to look at ugly pics, right?  

After a little research, I quickly realized that I wasn't about this blogging life and I started doubting myself.  I gave myself everything reason I could think of for why I couldn't/shouldn't start a blog.  But Keren wouldn't hear of it.  She said to me (in her girly girly voice) - "Mel, girl please, you can do it.  It's not hard." Her pep talks (which even til this day) always gets me back on track and in August 2014, I posted my first blog post.    

Looking back at my first post, I see a nervous young lady who didn't know what the heck was going on, yet she decided to throw caution to the wind and put herself out there.  If I could go back and talk to her, I'd say you may not have a clue now; but you will.  Girl you got this!  I'd remind her of the time she dreamed of being great.  And then encourage her to keep dreaming, because dreams are not fairly tales.  They are real, even if no one else can see them.

Keep dreaming, because dreams are not fairly tales.  They are real, even if no one else can see them - click to tweet

As much work as I've put into getting where I am, I'd be crazy to stop.  I actually like blogging.  It has given me opportunity's that I'd only thought possible for someone else.  I've gotten to meet some really cool people.  This online journal of mines has taught me more about myself than any other platform has.  Guys I can see growth.  As for the question of should I stop blogging.  The answer is NO!!!

Oh! Just in case you're interested in checking out my first post, go here.    


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