Bubble Gum Pink Blazer + Gold Caged Heels

Pink Blazer + Gold Caged Heels_5.jpg

Hey y'all!  Hope your day is off to a productive start.  I plan on making the most of this Thursday.  And this weather in the "A" is wonderful.  Not to hot, just the right amount of breeze.  This is the type of weather for short shorts and skirts.  Can I tell you something?

This is Your time!  You are where you are for a reason!  Now make the  most of it!!

Would you believe me if I told you that I hated the color pink?  Growing up I was sooo anti pink.  It was such a girly color and I was far from girly.  Give me a pair of baggy jeans and an over-sized shirt and I was good.  Funny thing now, is that I'm starting to like this ol' girly color.   

When it comes to my wardrobe and my personal style preference, I like to mix things up.  I'm not sure if I even have a signature look.  I pretty much wear what I want.  Have you been envisioning yourself in looks that you feel aren't you?  What's keeping you from at least trying it out?  Even as a stylist, I used to have moments of body envy.  I see what looks good on other people and I'm like, I would never look that good in something like that.  But I wouldn't know if I don't try it on?  As a young child my mother use to tell me, "Try it, You might like it."  If you're toying with the idea of a new look; Play On, by friend, play on!        

Drop a line below or email me (thestyleklazit@gmail.com) your style questions or concerns.  I'd love to hear from you.


White T + Faux Leather Oxfords


Black Peplum + Stripe Pumps