The Perfect Summertime Outfit


Whew! It's Wednesday, Hump day and I'm so looking forward to the weekend.  Not that I have any scheduled events, I just don't want to have to get up and go to work.  My goal this weekend is to continue working on my brand.  Let me tell you, ever since I downloaded the Periscope app (btw, follow me @thestyleklazit), I've been getting my #bloggerlife from bloggers like Mattie James of Mattieologie and Doni Brown who are amazing women.  All the free advise and info that they given is absolutely a-maz-ing!!!

This look almost didn't make the blog because of the weird shadow around me, but I really loved this look sooooo I decided to post it anyway.  Can you guess what's not thrifted?


TCFStyleExpo: Event Recap!


Denim On Denim