Mix & Match: Colors

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Hey guys!  I know I haven't been consistently blogging, but man let me tell you, building a brand is hard work.  Especially working a full 9-5 (temporarily.)  Yet! I am determined to succeed.  It may not be easy, but I know it will be worth it.  Just like this skirt in today's post.  It was worth every dime I

spent on it.  All $8 and a few penny's.  Don't judge me, I work hard for my coins, lol!  But seriously, this skirt is so me; bold, colorful, different and fresh with a hint of psychedelic flair.  For some it might be intimidating, but I embrace this garment in all of it's vintage goodness.  This is actually my 3rd time wearing this skirt (see here and here.)  Although this skirt may have a dash of vintage inspiration, I managed to not look like I was a blast from the past.

The easiest and most effective options for wearing vintage without looking dated is to incorporate current pieces into your look to give it a more modern feel. Adding modern accessories or a pair of up to date shoes will do the trick.  I paired this look with a pair of platforms; even though platforms are not new on the fashion scene, this current style is.  Newer clothing items (like my t-shirt) or current hair styles and make-up will bring your look into today's era.  From Ralph Lauren "Love the fun of clothes, not the status of fashion!" tweet this**

Did you see the other looks?  Which was your favorite?  Let me know below.  Till next time


White T & Distressed Denim


Distressed Denim on Denim