Metallic Gold skirt + Printed Pumps

Metallic Gold skirt + Printed Pumps_1.jpg

Here's to another week of fabulous-ness!  Guy's my weekend was pret-ty amazing.  I got a chance to visit behind the scenes at my local Goodwill, which was awesome and yesterday I covered the Grind Pretty workshop hosted by Atlanta MUA Mimi J, go here for my recap.  

I'm so unattached from pop culture, I had no idea that Beyonce and Jay Z dropped a track titled "Shining, all of this winning."  Kaylin my photographer asked me a question about the shirt and I was like, huh?  I had know idea what she was talking about.  AND, I still haven't heard the song.  But the story behind this shirt is simple, a friend designed it and asked me to wear it.  In keeping with the message on the shirt, I wore my shiny gold skirt and strappy gold printed pumps.  How are you going to shine this week?  Let me know in the comments!


It's My Born Day!!! Can You Guess My Age?


Grind Pretty Werkshop || Event Recap