Kami Cosmetics Mix, Mingle & Makeup Affair || Event Recap


"I believe that all women are pretty without makeup, but can be pretty powerful with the right makeup - Bobbi Brown."

It's been said time and time again, that beauty comes from within.  But it doesn't hurt to enhance one's outer appearance.  A few days ago I attended another one of Kami Cosmetics Mix, Mingle & Makeup Affair's.  This time around it was hosted by Shaunell Robinson Kennard or Ms. Conceited owner of Conceited Inc Lashbar.  s/n - The decor inside inside the Conceited lash bar is A-Maz-Ing job.  From the walls, to the ceiling, to the rooms - absolutely stunning.  

Being new to the makeup world, I wanted to start off basic.  So I purchased my first nude lip gloss from Kameka.  I'll admit I'm still trying to get the hang of applying any type of makeup correctly.  Aside from sampling a few of the products, enjoying the delightful good treats and networking; I look forward to the swag bags or in this case the swag Butterfly Box.  This box was loaded with goodies from varies business.

Interested in Kami Cosmectics beauty products, shop online or the store The Glamatory.  Oops! I almost forgot to let you see what I wore to this event.  I almost didn't add my #ootn because the photos weren't up to par, but what the heck...


The White After Labor Day Rule


TCFStyleExpo: Event Recap!