DIY Distressed Denim Skirt


Hello Stylenista's,

Last month I had a birthday - Yyyyeeeaaaa!!!  Although I'm a little picky and somewhat finicky it doesn't take a lot to make me happy.  I love my husband for all the effort he puts into making my day special.  Aside from what he gets me, I don't really expect anyone else to get me anything.  However, to my surprise my two thrift buddy's (Tiffany of @mrscuteasabutton and NeShanta of @msstyleisshe) gifted me with some fabulous items.  One of my birthday gifts was this denim skirt and immediately I knew that I was going to destroy this skirt.  With little vision in mind and a giant pair of scissors I started cutting.  My husband was like you're just scissor happy; my reply was that it was going to be one of the best looking distressed skirts of all time.  After nearly loosing a finger and almost choking to death because of the bleach fumes - I  present to you............. Destroyed Denim!


Weekend Of Fashion & Fun / Best Dressed p.1


Feature Friday With... Chrisette Michele