Distressed Jeans + Embroidered Sailor Blazer

Distressed Jeans + Embroidered Sailor Blazer_3.jpg

Hey! hey! hey!  I dropped two posts in one day, ayyeee!  Read the other one here.

As a thrifter, I often times struggle with paying regular price for new items.  Not that I'm cheap or frugal as I'd like to call it.  It's just that I've found so many unique pieces at the thrift stop for little to nothing, I've been spoiled by resale price points.  But every now and then, I come across a piece that I'm willing to stretch my pockets to get.  When one of my fave Atlanta style bloggers Monica of AwedbyMonica debuted her look here , I had to have it.  I won't lie, when I first saw the price I was like - heck no!  Guys, it was only like $45.  I know, I know! And to think, I pay more than that for shoes.  Needless to say, I bought it.


Fatigues + Red Boots


Men's Inspiration + Silver Oxfords