Denim & Florals

Denim and florals_1.jpg

Hey there Stylenista's

Thanks for checking out my latest post!  I really appreciate it.

It amazes me to see how unintentionally I create similar looks within the same month and not even realize it. It wasn't until I was going through my photos that I noticed that I'd created the denim & floral look twice in one month.  I guess subconsciously, I was really feeling this look. I especially like the fact that both the denim tops and floral skirts were thrifted/gifted.  

Outfit Details:

Plain denim top - Old Navy / gifted

Dark Floral skirt - New York & Co. / $1.75

Floral denim top - Old Navy / &2.00

Floral bottom (it's really a dress styled as a skirt) - You're A Hanger Boutique / $5.00

Total combined: Less than $10


Natural Chic


Men's Fashion: Women's Wear!